名称:TAI ZI CAPITAL LIMITED(TAZ.L) 行业:地产投资基金 上市市场:伦敦AIM市场 时间:2008年7月1日 融资金额:600万美元 业务及AIM上市概要: 太子资本是一个投资基金,主要从事在台湾、中国、香港、澳门和大中华区物业投资和管理,投资范围集中于一系列拥有可观回报价值的办公室、商业大厦、居住楼宇和零售物业。太子资本亦会投资在物业建筑发展和保养工程等项目,而各项投资亦会因应情况而作全资发展或与其他投资者合作。 太子资本于2008年7月1日正式在伦敦证交所创业板(AIM市场)上市,以每股1美元的价格发行6,000,000股普通股,融资约3,041,054英镑(约600万美元,英国兑美元=1.973)。 Taizi Capital Tai Zi Capital intends to actively invest and manage properties in major cities within Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Greater China District. The company will invest in a range of offices, commercial and residential properties and other retail buildings in and around major urban centers. The company will also invest in the construction and development or refurbishment of properties, either wholly owned by the company or as joint ventures in conjunction with other investors Investment Strategy The Company intends to build shareholder value by acquiring properties and growing a portfolio of rental investment properties located in major cities in Far East Asia including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and possibly other areas of China. These are anticipated to comprise office, commercial properties and residential properties. The Board believes that these may provide attractive cash flows and yields together with opportunities for further revenue growth through proactive property management. The Company may also invest in other property related companies or businesses where suitable. The Directors intend to actively manage the acquired properties and may either acquire and/or establish a property management team, whose objective will be to maintain and increase high occupancy levels, to achieve strong rental revenue growth and to maximise net operating profits. The Company will primarily seek to invest in income-producing properties in or around major urban centres. The Company may also invest in the construction and development or refurbishment of properties, either wholly owned by the Company or as joint ventures in conjunction with other investors. Such investment would either be made directly by the Company or via special purpose vehicles. The Directors will consider the following key factors whilst assessing the acquisition of or investment in any property: |