高华资本Grochina沪伦通消息,6月17日,中国太平洋保险(集团)股份有限公司(China Pacific Insurance (Group) Company Ltd,以下简称“中国太保”或CPIC)的全球存托凭证(Global Depositary Receipts,简称GDR)被正式准入于伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)主板市场中的沪伦通业务板块中进行交易。伦交所公告称,中国太保GDR于6月17日开始进行附条件交易,并预计于6月22日(伦敦时间)正式在伦交所上市。至此,中国太保正式成为中国首家A+H+G的保险企业。
伦敦证券交易所CEO,兼伦敦证券交易所集团国际发展部总监,Nikhil Rathi先生表示,伦交所热情欢迎世界上最大的保险公司之一的中国太平洋保险公司获准通过“沪伦通”进行股票交易。此次上市表明,沪伦通将继续促进这两个全球最大、最具活力的资本市场之间的合作。它使老牌的中国发行者能够从伦敦的全球流动性池筹集资金,并使全球投资者能够从大中华区以外接触到中国A股。
Welcome China Pacific Insurance (Group) Company Ltd to the Shanghai Segment of the Main Market Posted: 17 June 2020
London Stock Exchange Group (‘LSEG’) today welcomes China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. (‘CPIC’ or ‘the Company’), a leading insurance group in China, as the Company begins trading through Shanghai-London Stock Connect. Shanghai-London Stock Connect marks a major collaboration between two of the world's leading economies, allowing global investors to access Chinese enterprises directly through London Stock Exchange and benefit from China's economic growth.
Following the listing on London Stock Exchange, CPIC will become the first ever A+H+G (‘Shanghai+Hong Kong+London’) listed insurance company. CPIC has a leading market position in China and is widely recognised throughout the world as a top player in the insurance industry. CPIC ranked 199th on the 2019 Fortune Global 500 list. It was named the 6th most valuable insurance brand in ‘Brand Finance Insurance 100 (2019)’. Focusing on insurance as its core business, CPIC achieved balanced growth across life and health insurance business, property and casualty insurance business, and investment management business, and built a leading position in the industry through top quality insurance services and asset-liability management. Beyond its success in the core insurance business, CPIC also focuses on environmental, social, and governance to serve the real economy and people’s well-being.
LSEG and Shanghai Stock Exchange (‘SSE’) jointly held an innovative virtual market open ceremony to mark the occasion and welcome CPIC. Chairman Kong of CPIC and President Jiang of SSE attended the event in person in Shanghai, and Nikhil Rathi, CEO of London Stock Exchange plc and Director of International Development joined via a video from London Stock Exchange.
CPIC raised US$1.8 billion (prior to any exercise of the over-allotment option) / US$2.0 billion (assuming full exercise of the over-allotment option) through the issuance of global depositary receipts (GDRs) to international investors. The net proceeds will be mainly used to develop its businesses overseas, in the form of equity investments, strategic partnerships, and mergers and acquisitions in both developed and emerging markets, supporting core insurance business growth. CPIC also plans to use part of the net proceeds to develop an overseas investment platform through leveraging its offshore investment capabilities, to invest in innovative businesses, such as healthcare, elderly care, and technology.
Trading of GDRs is available on London Stock Exchange’s International Order Book. Over 2000 GDRs from over 100 countries can be directly traded at London Stock Exchange.
KONG Qingwei, Chairman of the China Pacific Insurance, commented: “Shanghai-London Stock Connect is a key measure in the opening up of China's capital markets. CPIC's decision to list GDRs on the London Stock Exchange marks a key step for the execution of our Transformation 2.0 strategy, helps further optimise our shareholding structure and corporate governance, and expands our international presence. Following the completion of the Offering, CPIC will be the first Chinese insurance company listed simultaneously in Shanghai, Hong Kong and London. We are confident that the London GDR listing will be another landmark in the development of the Company, help further strengthen the economic and trade relationship between China and the UK, and showcase the opening up of China's capital markets to the world.”
Nikhil Rathi, CEO, London Stock Exchange plc and Director of International Development, LSEG added: “We are pleased to welcome China Pacific Insurance Company, one of the world’s largest insurance companies, to be admitted to trading, through Shanghai-London Stock Connect. This listing demonstrates how Shanghai-London Stock Connect is continuing to foster collaboration between two of the world’s largest and most vibrant capital markets. It enables established Chinese issuers to raise capital from London’s global liquidity pool and allows global investors to gain exposure to China A-share instruments from outside Greater China.” **ENDS** Growth China Capital 高华资本(BVI) 深圳前海高华资本投资管理有限公司 GrowthChina Capital(BVI),深圳前海高华资本投资管理有限公司(简称“高华资本”GroChina)是由原英国高亚资本GrowthAsia Capital(英国上市领导者)创始合伙人黄建兴KentionHuang团队发起建立的精品国际投行、私募股权基金(平行基金Parallel Fund)。高华资本创始团队是始于2004年的英国上市权威团队,是2008年金融危机后,唯一同时操作过私募基金和企业在英国上市的投行团队。高华资本的私募股权基金、平行基金,重点关注汽车科技消费ACT、社群经济CommunityEconomy在全球范围内的跨境投资机遇Cross-borderinvestment。 主营业务:英国上市IPO、汽车科技消费ACT产业投资、社群经济Community产业投资 主营业务:汽车+社群消费+科技ACT汽车科创-城市新经济产业投资 国际视野 中华智慧 International Eyes Chinese Brains ID:Grochina 联系我们 联系人:陈小姐 电话:020-89206689 邮箱:charlie@grochina.com 公司地址:广东省广州市海珠区中洲交易中心1507-1508 |